P Numbers

P Numbers app for iOS and Android devices

quick lookup of base metal weldability grouping from the master data source used for generation and maintenance of the following standards:

ASME Section IX Table QW/QB-422

AWS B2.1 Table C1 and C2


ISO TR 20173

Quick Lookup Abbreviated Search Title ( Legend ):

P# ( P-Number )

G# ( Group Number )

ISO ( ISO TR 15608 )

Form ( Product Form )

Spec ( Specification )

Type ( Alloy Designation, Type or Grade )

UNS ( Unified Numbering System )

Respective registered trademark owners:

ASME® The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

AWS® The American Welding Society

ISO® International Organization for Standardization

WeldOffice® Asmeix Corporation d.b.a. C-spec

C-SPEC® Asmeix Corporation d.b.a. C-spec